Newly overwhelmed with our future as parents to a child that was obviously concieved with wine and conversations of how cool we were back in college, we decided that only a doctor could really tell us what to do next.
My nursing education had literally been thrown out the window. Along with my insecurities about a life of infertility when I decided to have babies one day when I turned 30. I couldnt even comprehend the physics of conceiving a child much less what to do after you do ...that.
To the walk in we go, because we just moved here and didnt have a family MD. 2 hours of waiting later, we finally get in. But i have to pee again. So im uncomfortable. And im still in shock. My body was waging a war on me. bladder and all. I mean...lets be wasnt just mine apparently anymore. And if my car just "let" someone sit in the trunk without any means of security, i wouldnt trust it either...but it wouldnt do car has locks. apparently my uterus, did not.
My nursing education had literally been thrown out the window. Along with my insecurities about a life of infertility when I decided to have babies one day when I turned 30. I couldnt even comprehend the physics of conceiving a child much less what to do after you do ...that.
To the walk in we go, because we just moved here and didnt have a family MD. 2 hours of waiting later, we finally get in. But i have to pee again. So im uncomfortable. And im still in shock. My body was waging a war on me. bladder and all. I mean...lets be wasnt just mine apparently anymore. And if my car just "let" someone sit in the trunk without any means of security, i wouldnt trust it either...but it wouldnt do car has locks. apparently my uterus, did not.
So the doctor comes in, FINALLY lets me pee, and as i leave the little yellow cup of fluid that is, ironically now, the only part of me that really always has known and keeps telling both me and other people that im pregnant, i take a breath. Im assuming the doctor has some super special urine specificity test that maybe can even tell me how this all came to be. Like perhaps a story will come out of the cup: “yes madi, you are pregnant, it happened that night that you drank the cabernet before the pinot....”
However, I walk away from the cup, the nurse enters the room i leave, and before i even get back into the little safe room where the doctor and me have nice private conversations, the nurse follows me back out and says to the MD, "definately positive, I didnt even have to wait"
maybe thats not mine...
He walks into the room and smiles, "yep, you're very pregnant"
Very pregnant.
what is that supposed to mean?
"no sir" i want to say, "medically speaking, Im NEWLY pregnant" but i dont. I cant seem to find my words at that point.
He proceeds to tell me that I can expect this newly attached fetus to be a full fledged child born and breathing on November 25.
November 25.
Im pretty sure I had other plans that day.
Well, now thats the day Im going to become a mother.
Annnnd the hyperventilating starts.
Okay, so. we leave the doctors office. How can this baby be growing in there without me ever knowing about it? Its just been setting up camp inside me and I had no idea? Man, I usually have such good intuition about my, when i feel a cold always right.
I guess feeling a baby coming is different. Only pee can tell you that.
So. We do the obvious thing. We eat lunch. Its emotional and I can feel that Im happy but I definately also feel that nagging overwhelming, paralyzing fear.
We decide that its best to just tell people and stop worrying/thinking about HOW to tell people. Either way, we're going to drop bombs allllll over this province today, and its gonna happen no matter how we say it.
Jakes parents first, since they are on our way home. Jake says, "if they are home on our drive by, then we will tell them"
I pray that nobodys home.
Obviously they are. Noooothing goes my way this weekend apparently.
They are shocked, Im shocked we say the words, "we're going to have a baby for christmas this year"
but everyones excited. surprised, and excited.
I feel relief finally, thats new.
We get home, I pace the living room thinking about how to call my parents, do i come out with it like im excited/thrilled/cant wait to be a mom? or do I tell them, you know....i guess i cant drink at my wedding...
The phone rings.
Its them.
Of course.
So I just tell them. Initially they think im getting a dog.
I tell them its significantly more responsibility.
My dad tells Jake he should have gotten me the puppy i wanted.
That'll teach Jake.
So the big news has been dropped on my family. And I felt ten times better. Not a hundred times better, because the reality of the fact is still very there...very present, and very terrifying.
But I finally feel like this is something I can feel good about, this is, at the end of the day, a wonderful thing. we have to figure out how to do it.
Apparently anyone can just ...make them....but now, i figure i better put some kind of effort into this.I mean, there is a baby in there somewhere....
woah. getting a little overwhelmed again.