Friday, 15 July 2011

Wee bit of advice...

Something I definately do NOT recommend while pregnant: planning a wedding.
I know theres enough people out there that misunderstand pill taking/monthly cycles and have had too much wine to know how to prevent conceiving a child, so i know for a fact there are more of you out there than we'd all like to admit that have had to do this in this order.
YES i understand now that there is  a reason to do things in order, like, date, get married, get pregnant. But my fomal opinion is that its not t hat you need the MARRIAGE per say, but you need to NOT be planning a wedding. and for those of us that think planning a wedding wouldnt be that fun even if you werent pregnant...its a big and stupid task.
Being pregnant while planning a party for 60ish other honestly my own personal definition of hell. So many options, table wear, what kind of plates, what kind of centerpeices, what kind of food, how much food, whatkind of decor, how much decor, how much will that decor cost, deposits, and final payments and phone call after phone call after email after email about tentative bookings, final numbers, and concerns on the day of.
Becase all you want to do when you're 20 weeks pregnant in the summer time is sit in front of a fan, take long naps and eat all day. Its a tough life.
But instead, you are the woman with 55 different balls in the air, all saying something different, and one BIG ball in your belly making everything more difficult because again:  YOU CANT DRINK.
Seriously. If through this whole process I wold have been able to just hav ea beer, or  bottle of wine after each day, Im sure i would have enjoyed it more...or at least been able to forget some of it.
So, the wedding reception came and went, it was at the end of the night, a wonderful time. It was great to see everyone, our friends and our family and the peopl we havent been able to see in years, and the love in the room was truely so nice to have after the past rough months of this pregnancy.
I also got way more woman time, my sisters and my mom were here so that really also made such a difference in my attitude...and my sanity, since when planning an event like this, you need other women...women that know how to delegate, know how to properly set up a banquet hall, and know how to divert drunk men with too much to say about not much away from the hot, sweaty, stressed out pregnant bride.
again. yay for women.
I also got to hang out with other preggos. which always makes me happy, I got some that are ahead, some around the same place as me and both are super helpful in making me feel less like a whiney fat lady when they say they feel the same way.
BUT, the lead up to said lovely night, was allllllmost not worth it. People telling me they could do the flowers and then they couldnt, people deciding they were coming and people telling me the day of they werent, the caterer freaking out about anything that could ever happen, the outfits, hanging up lights, setting up tables, picking up 100 things I forgot, the fire marshall saying i need new candle holders, the bartender needing to be paid....etc etc etc.
theres a reason that the occupation of a wedding planner exists.
and theres also a reason to do destination weddings.
again, i may have been more patient, less sweaty, less sore, more satified, less  hungry and had more energy had I not been a full on human incubator through all of it.
But, at the end of the day, I had someone with me the entire day. Yes Jake was around. and my family, but even atthe most stressful times when I felt like I could have had a nervous breakdown in the shower, someone was literally sitting inside me, not in my heart, but close to it. And that just seemed to make the stress just that much less.
Even though he was kicking me in the bladder the ENTIRE night. feisty little banana.
either way, this entry is mostly just a warning to anyone who ever thought wedding planning and baby growing can coexist happily.
its a lie.
But then its over, and you get to have had a wedding..AND you get a baby. So its your choice. But i dont recommend my route.
And neither does banana baby, I definately wasnt eating enough to keep him happy.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Movement from beyond and surprises.

So. I know what kind of baby is growing in me now. I think deep down I knew since I kept veering off into this section of baby clothes when out shopping, trying to forget that my pants kept falling down due to my overgrown belly and my undergrown legs. 
Anyways, the baby in there has been kicking at me, and poking at me for a couple weeks now, more often now than before for sure. Its definitely  an inner body experience...didnt feel like gas...but thats maybe because of how familiar i am with how gas feels in my belly these days. And also because I had made up my mind that wasn’t going to lay in bed trying to feel it if it was going to feel like something that COULD be gas....chances are Id get frustrated and confused and probably need to use the washroom.  So I settled into the past 4 weeks with the idea in my head that since its  a BABY in there, it shouldn’t feel like gas when it actually is the baby knockin on my uterus door, that any baby of mine will be knocking with some form of persistence so I would be able to figure out/distinguish this one.
So, I went on with my life. And then one night laying on my belly reading my book , ( I figured  that belly side lying would provoke some action) i felt a definite alien movement inside my tummy that wasn’t dinner.  Seriously, its not like something you can confuse. Its surreal and freaks the shit out of any first time preggo lady, or it should. Its a BEING INSIDE YOUR BELLY. So I felt it, I freaked out, obviously, and felt like I should go vomit or cry. Thats what pregnancy will do to a girl, you either can throw up, cry or sleep.  It took some getting used to, the feeling of bizarre little movements inside you, against your skin but under it, like if you were to tap your belly, but on the inside. But the same kind of light, but obvious touch.  I admit that I like it more now that Im accustomed to it, however, something i am NOT getting used to is the bladder kicking. Initially i was annoyed, but then when i saw how little space the little banana in there has once I have even a ¼ cup of pee building up. If a giant balloon of pee was slowly getting closer and closer to me, i would kick it too i bet.  Still though, it leads me to be in the car on a nice drive into town, to having to pull over on the highway to pee....and then at that point when you pee only for 2.5 seconds and feel feel pretty jilted.  Ive been seriously considering just buying some heavy duty pads and peeing the tsp of pee out when i have to and go about my business.
But thats borderline behaviour ...even for a pregnant woman.
Anyways, we had the ultra sound, and right away Jake said that he could see what the sex of the baby Jake is a financial planner...he aint no ultrasound/medical savvy i think we all know what that means. Yep, theres a baby with boy parts in there.  Ive been showed several times. Now, if you had told me 8 weeks ago that the baby was a boy i would have had an emotional  breakdown and thrown up until the following week.  But that was when we were in the midst of “the hell” so things have changed. I was so so so so so anxious to know so finding out it was a black baby would have even made me feel better. I just needed more information about the banana that was growing in t here (turns out literally...)
I was surprisingly happy, since now i can say he is bugging me, and i can blame Jake for giving me a boy that  sporatically kicks me where it counts.  (the pee bag).
Im still making peace with the fact that my very female body is creating a boy. I don’t really get how that can happen. I mean....Im full of all kinds of womanly horomones lately,  and alllllllllll kinds of full of womanly complaints.  And its all to produce this little boy baby. Doesn’t seem to add up.  How me crying at commercials for diapers is now creating a penis and boy that probably will think that bugs are fun to play with ......seems a little off base.  But here we are.
So i have resigned that i will get to have a little baby boy with pretty blue walls and cute overalls. And Leave jake the teenage years  when that little baby boy gets a beard (unless he takes after jake...then it will just be patchwork of the chin) and wants to make out with girls in the back seats of cars.
That is until the sex talk. Then mom is back in. And im bringing a sweaty, smelly, vomitty , swollen pregnant woman with me.  That ought to do the trick.
The good news about having a boy is this means i probably will want to get pregnant again one day to try  for one of each....otherwise Im not convinced that even George Bush ,  who in my mind must be pretty convincing of alot of bullshit since he was elected TWO times by millions of Americans,  could convince me that pregnancy is awesome.....
Anyways. On to boy onsies and rag quilts that my mom can start preparing.
And onto convincing jake he owes me one for giving him a male heir.
And onto writing “your welcome”  letters to the world for creating ANOTHER lockhart boy.