Monday, 20 June 2011

What can pregnancy do for YOU?

So its now official that people are looking at me, and smiling knowingly or exclaiming to me how pregnant  I am. My mom thinks I should tell these people Im not pregnant and see how they react to that. I probably wont though, I don’t want people thinking i just look like this.
I do appreciate some of the perks that come with being pregnant and out in the open...meaning now that my belly is out in the open and demanding wide berth from everything around me, people want to help you out typically. The best place they want to help ME out is at work .Its unreal. And also amazing, because its the one time/place I actually DO need help. Like when I have aggressive patients, and the nurse working with me offers to give the haldol or hold the patient down for me, or the LPN helps me out by making sure shes there to help me with all my lifts that night. Its pretty great. Nursing is typically a pretty thankless job, with lots of work and not alot of help, but when you show up carrying a 5oz beanie baby in your uterus, the help that you could never find before, just magically appears.
So thank you onion baby,  you are finally helpin your future mamma out instead of making everything harder/more complicated/more vomitty.
Having help at work when you’re doing 12 hour shifts at the hospital is definitely the best part of being pregnant so far. There are others, which I will go over, but Im hoping that more also arise, since the list isn’t hugely long. Mostly being pregnant is about throwing up, exhaustion and a severe need for freezies in the house.  Oh and blood work. I don’t get how being pregnant gives the health authority the right to alllll my blood. Its annoying and to be honest, im starting to think they are just using me to donate blood without knowing it, since I will have approximately 25% more blood than the average person soon enough..
Average person: approximately 5 Litres of the red stuff
Preggo Person: approximately 6.25L of  the good stuff
Average Donation: about .5 of a litre (blood services says they take about 450 ml but ive never seen a unit with more than don’t panic if you are donating)
So. They can take a whole unit from me and still Id have more blood than you. Actually they could take two or ALMOST three without even making me a normal human body full of blood. This in my mind makes me superhuman. However in reality, i have a feeling its why i feel so short of breath all the time, gotta oxygenate the red stuff you know.
So I may beat you in a bleed off, but a brisk walk? I would lose. You figure out which is more bad ass.
Anyways, I think I had a point. Oh, well first of all, your welcome for taking my blood every week /day it feels like, I hope you are keeping it somewhere for people that need it, and remember to tell them that its very fertile...and to watch out for wine. I may have to start poking Jake with needles so he can feel how my body is now just a huge incubator, free for poking at, looking inside, listening to and sacrificing in means of the greater good.
Greater good=baby.
Back to my other point, the positives about being pregnant are as follows:
a.       You get a baby at the end of it.
b.       You get praised for getting fatter...that doesn’t happen if you actually are just getting fat..its more of a taboo thing at that point to say “look how big you are!”
c.        Stretchy pants all the time/anytime for any reason and people are cool with it.
d.       Jake takes the garbage out all the time
e.        You get to measure your life in means of weeks and SO much happens in just one, so if you think your week was lame, like you didn’t do much, when you’re preggo, you get to say well, i grew my baby some arms this week...

There you go, so far, thats what ive got, so its not a lot, but that first one is typically the one that gets people through it all, the pregnancy, and the birthing of said 10lb baby. You guys cross your fingers, and I will cross my legs to hope that 10lbs doesn’t come to fruition.

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