Sunday, 23 October 2011

There was a time...

There was a time when the sun went down and I didnt yawn and stretch and head to bed.
There was a time when my boobs went out farther from my body than my belly did.
There was a time when I would chew my nails and not have to rechew them for weeks.
There was a time when watching commercials with babies on it didnt make me cry.
There was a time when I could work a 12 hour shift, and not shudder in pain for the next 3 days because my hips felt like they had literally separated.
There was a time when Jake and I would lock ourselves in the house, drink 3 bottles of wine, and have dance parties in our kitchen.
There was a time when heartburn was something my dad got after dinner.
There was a time when the scale and me ....well we werent friends, but we were on terms we both could understand...
There was a time when I didnt need to eat 4 boxes of Runts just to feel good about my afternoon.
There was a time when I didnt spend half the day worrying over the stretching and dilating of my body one day just weeks from now..        
There was a time when my bladder was actually a useful organ, not a flimsy wimp of a thing at the mercy of an invading uterus.
There was a time when I walked normally, with no strange gait or waddle.
There was a time when getting out of a car was something I could do WITHOUT a 30 second pep talk.
There was a time when farting was something that happened only periodically.
THere was a time when my brain worked, and was efficient and thorough.
There was a time when if my shoe didn’t slip on I would bend over to put it on, instead of cancelling my whole day and sitting back down.
There was a time when I could lift things without feeling like my entire body was going to come out of my special area.
There was a time when Jake had never read a book about was a simpler time.
There was  a time that a mucous plug was something that just sounded gross and couldn’t be real
There was a time when jake would steam roll me in bed to wake me up....rude.
There was a time when wine was water, and water was not something that could break inside me.
There was a time when Jake would never had made me get up to do squats with him because "the book said so"
There was a time when i didnt spend time in my morning planning out my day specifically to how long i could be out without my feet swelling, and with the least amount of stops to avoid getting in and out of the car.
There was a time when I could sleep on my belly, or on my side, or turn side to side without sounding like I just finished a race.
There was a time when vomiting was only something that happened to me after nursing parties
There was a time when stretch marks were only something I noticed in my well used clothing..not my skin.
There was a time when my uterus was theoretical to me...not a very real part of my every day functioning.
There was a time when the only thing my body could grow was leg hair and fingernails.
There was a  time when “ring of fire” was the name of some cool movie and not a medical term of something that will happen to me.
And now. Im pregnant. 35 weeks and a bit to be right on the money. So everything is different now. Obviously more difficult, but im hoping  that five weeks from now,  I will have a list of cool things that I do now instead of the things I cant do. make a baby that looks like me and little bit and jake a little bit smile.
And finish all the Ubrew wine we’ve made in under a week.
I will keep you posted on both.

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