Friday, 26 August 2011

La Belly.

It happened today.
Today was the day that it happened to me. August 26.
I always sort of knew it would happen...but i was always hoping against the odds, i would win this one...
The day started out the same...i heaved my belly out of bed with me (it comes everywhere with me these days), and jumped in the shower..(less jump, more awkwardly stepping into).
It was then that the mirror swore at me with my own image.
Im more emotionally damaged than physically, but overall i feel the devastation just the same.
The stretch marks. Right on my belly. Right in the front of it.
There was no lotion good enough to avoid these red angry marks on my poor overstretching skin.
Although, another little surprise was there too.
Linea Negra. That little dark line that grows from your pubic bone to top of your fundus (uterus) is appearing on my big round tummy. Its kind of neat. This line im okay with. Its horomonal and according to my nursing text books is "a positive sign of pregnancy", as if I could NOT know at this point that im with child.
I will take pictures of this, while trying to avoid the nasty red ones to the left of it later on.
THESE photos were taken at 26 weeks, so about two weeks ago, prior to the invasion of menace in the shape of red lines.
Im glad now that we took these. It makes me feel like there was a point that my belly was cool, but i seemed to have missed it....
again, enjoy, and feel good about your none swelling body during these photos..

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