I have decided that in my own opinion, women deserve medals for doing what we do. And that is carrying the human race inside our ever huge bellies.
My belly is getting increasingly awkward. And my back is suffering for that same “gift”. SURPRISINGLY 12 hour shifts running off your feet, lifting people off the floors, and off their beds, and off each other, leaning to do dressings that take half an hour a piece and bending over every 45 seconds to pick up something else you and your giant belly have knocked to the floor in a patients room, isn’t actually ideal behaviour for a pregnant woman. The best position is sitting. This is now becoming apparently obvious, the pain that shoots through my entire lower body when i even attempt to discontinue sitting, is an excruciating, and damning reason to not try to move
In my bed also, is a world that has never been seen before unless you are pregnant and attempting to support the hugeness that is the baby in your belly. I have 4 pillows that cushion my rest...one for my head, one for my arms, one for under my belly and another for between my legs. Needless to say, turning over is a task in its own. Luckily i have training in heavy lifting and turning. Although i bet jake thinks all the grunting is unnecessary.
I also eat like an elephant now. I know the doctor told me not to believe the whole “eating for two “ bit....but its not that i believe it...its that any excuse to have another bowl of cereal or dessert or a second dinner is really all I need. And its helpful that i have Jake beside me, loving my now robust belly telling me i deserve it. ...It could get messy. Post pregnancy boot camp here i come....but for now, im doing this my way.
And then....there’s birth. Now to be fair, I have yet to experience this joy/nightmare. B|ut i have seen it, and i do have friends that have done it. And let me tell you, there is nothing that makes you more pro woman, more confidant in your strength as a woman, and more sure of the female awesomeness that makes up you, as birth. The way your body kicks into gear to get a job done, to prove its divine superiority over the penis (sorry men), is truly the most amazing thing ive ever seen, and while in the midst of it i really doubt I will be focusing on the positives of my wicked tough uterus, I hope that this will truly be the icing on the cake at the end of a very long nine months. Yes, not looking forward to the stretching of the lady bits, but lets be honest, seeing a baby come out of those bits? Pretty effing awesome.
Recovery of it not so much...what with the balloon cushions , the swelling, and the fear of pooping. But at that point, you have a baby so....im hoping it balances out.
Now. After all this....wheres the glory? Like medal wise? Wheres the glory? I guess the baby is ultimately your trophy, you get to carry it around, show it off, and people congratulate you on your successful baking/delivery of said trophy. So that’s okay then. But seriously, I want to just metaphorically high five every woman who is or has or wants to go through all this. You deserve it. Your stomach, your forgotten comfort levels, your back, your hips, your belly, your boobs, your modesty, your sleep cycles, your dignity (at times), your bladder and your heart TRULY deserve a huge high five for what they go through to reproduce the fruit of your loins.
Again, this baby better be super cute. Or come out prepared to high five me for real. We both are toughing this out for the next four months...
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