Sunday 19 June 2011

Praise for getting a gut...thats pregnancy.

So, this is what an onion sized baby, at the end of this week, becoming a sweet potato looks like inside my belly. To be fair my uterus is also bigger than that. And to be fair, I don thave much space up in there.I seem to have gotten blown up overnight. And in my defence, I think Jake took these shots at angles to make me and the baby look bigger than we are. Because believe me, at two am with cheese whiz...we dont feel this big, we feel great.
So I guess its definately now time to stop going to bars, hang up the shirts that used to show off my belly button ring and tuck the pants ...well all the pants i ever owned into some far away drawer. Its elastic waist and lu lu lemon time. bring it.
17 going on 18 weeks

Obviously Jake made some joke here. Read my face jake.

These are the Lu Lu lemon pants my mom hates because they are disgusting. But baby likes them.

Again. i think this is an angle thing.....right?....sigh.

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